Oak View, California

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Report on the:


A meeting was held at the Oak View Park and Resource Center on June 20 and in attendance were business owners and community members all interested in exploring ways that Oak View can come together as a more unified community. The participants came seeking answers and opportunities, in regard to a variety of issues affecting their community.

The Challenge of Highway 33

Oak View is a tightly knit community that spans both sides of Highway 33. There is much pride about being part of a unique community, but there is also much frustration that the community is not able to function the way many would like, especially in regards to the town’s business district, which is divided by the fast moving traffic of commuters moving through, not coming to, Oak View. Businesses have struggled along the highway for years, but attempts to gain the attention of Cal Trans and County officials have not met with successful resolution of the problem.

The issue of Highway 33 occupied a significant portion of the dialogue, and it was noted that the challenge for Oak View is particularly affected by vehicular speed on Hwy 33 through town. There is strong interest in creating a safer, more community-friendly street, using one lane in and out, slowing traffic to 35 mph, allowing motorists to see the town and to make Hwy 33 safer for local use and enjoyment.

Process of Change

The Awakening Community team talked about the process of change, and the importance of visualizing and articulating a workable solution, and, most importantly, of creating an inclusive approach that assures the needs and concerns of all parties are considered. In this particular instance, this would even include the needs of those using the highway for their commute.

Finding a Workable, Inclusive Solution

Approach the governing agencies with a whole voice, representing the greater community with the intention of creating a positive, beneficial solution, gives the community power that no individual can bring alone. The meeting concluded with the understanding that another meeting could be called, with the intention of increasing participation. The outcome of this next meeting would be a proposal to the County of Ventura, to undertake a formal study of the situation aimed at creating a workable inclusive solution acceptable to the community and to CalTrans.

Following are summary points and concerns expressed by participants at the first gathering:

What do oak View's citizens want their town to have and to be?

  • A destination - and to have a sense of place
  • Inviting
  • Sense of ‘oneness’
  • Mutual support for both individuals and the businesses
  • Sense of pride
  • Humane values
  • Ethics and morality
  • Community identity – a distinct character
  • Connectivity – loyalty –togetherness
  • Positivity and collaboration 
  • Respect for all ages – multi generational – child and youth friendly

The town should be bike friendly, that include trails.

  • Walk-ability by adding sidewalks – with greater ease for people to meet and greet one another.
  • Play-ability with playscapes in public places.
  • More beauty – make shopping areas and businesses more attractive and welcoming
  • Landscaping
  • Benches and trees 
  • Squares and plazas 
  • Initial decisions:

Have the community work to find a description of ‘what they want’ and present it that way to the supervisor and other government people, not just complaints.

Address your comments to the Awakening Community committee at: hmshapiro2010@gmail.com  (818)378-0500

Offer your comments, suggestions, and feedback, or sign up for announcements here.